We specialize in public company regulatory filing services for both U.S. and Canadian Capital Markets.
Comprehensive Reporting Services
Enjoy faster review and filing times, improved analysis, better decision making, and a savings in both time and money by filing your EDGAR/iXBRL documents with a team of qualified experts. We can assist with all EDGAR/iXBRL filings, including:
PubCo Reporting Solutions has extensive knowledge and experience in the filing of Financial Statements and regulatory compliance documents for Canadian Capital Markets. Our full list of SEDAR/SEDI filing services, includes:
Canadian SEDI
All Sedar Filings for Reporting Issuers
Form 13-501 and 13-502
Simultaneous and cross-filings for dually listed companies.
Annual Information forms, Exemptions, Formal Issuer filings and more.
For both small-cap and large-cap operations, PubCo Reporting Solutions helps to make sure that the right compliance documents are accurately filed at the right time. Here's just a few of the other filing services that we have to offer:
Cut Time Spent Preparing RegulatoryFilings In Half.
We make it easy to switch to iXBRL.
PubCo Reporting Solutions can have your company's EDGAR and SEDAR Filings up and running in iXBRL in time for your next 10Q or 10K with minimal downtime.
Our Premium Accounting Services not only help maintain your books and prepare your financial statements at reasonable rates, they also include filing your 10Q and 10K statements on the SEC EDGAR & SEDAR systems for free.